Today is your birthday, and if only words could express exactly what we feel for you. Although you were a total surprise, you'll never know how much we wanted you. We prayed and wished that you'd be healthy every day of the first trimester. At the end of that very long period we not only found out you were perfect, but we found out you were a girl! Would you have blonde hair or no hair? Would you be shy or boisterous? Would you be serious or giggle? We couldn't wait for the day!!!! Then one quiet, early Monday morning we headed to the hospital. It was one of the most excitings moments of our lives.
Since then you have made our life so full. We are blessed and amazed every day as we watch you explore and discover. As it turns out you have "darkish" blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, a smile that lights up the whole room, and an outgoing personality that makes us laugh. You wave at just about anyone (and have stopped traffic to boot!), smile nearly all of the time, and use your giggles sparingly (but when they come they make us laugh too!).
At one year old, your loves include:
- doggies
- going barefoot
- chicken nuggets
- your first bottle of the morning
- music and dancing
- those silly monkeys jumping on the bed
- going for walks
- riding in the grocery cart
- your Bitty Baby
- banging blocks together
- telling everyone what a dog says (woof woof!)
- the Itsy Bitsy Spider song
- your upper lip on the outside of your paci
- swinging at the park
- standing and holding on to just about anything (the ottoman, the stairs, our pantlegs...)
- matzo balls
- high fives
- sleeping on your stomach at the foot of the crib
- Elizabeth and music class
- waffles
- tickles from Dad
- cuddles from Mom
At the risk of sounding cliche or "mushy", you make our life complete. We can't wait to see what the next year ahead will bring. And don't worry, we'll be right there to capture it on film or video so we can post in on the blog! :)
We love you!
Mama and Dada