Taylor's First Steps
Taylor has recently been flirting with steps all by herself. For a while now she's been standing and balancing but we really didn't think she had any interest in walking. Well, this week while I was at work, Taylor decided to take a few steps. Scott called me to excitedly tell me what was happening and I said, "get the video camera out and send me a video! I do not want to miss it!" He had a hard time doing it by himself because her path is right into someone's arms. So far, she does not walk anywhere that doesn't have a comfortable landing (she's no dummy!). So Scott waited till Gram came over (it happened to be a school day for Scott) and filmed her while she walked into Gram's arms. Thank God for technology! Even though I was at work, I got to see her first few steps over and over (and over) again. Admittedly, not a lot of work got done that afternoon.
Her first solo steps... they're very tentative and careful and check out that look of concentration!
Taylor's First Halloween

After breakfast, we took Taylor out to run a few errands. She loves the fact that her car seat faces forward now.

Then after we got home from errands, we said to Taylor, "It's Halloween! Do you know what that means? That means you get to dress in your costume and get candy!"
So, off Taylor went in a hurry to get in her new costume.

We could barely keep up with Taylor. Next she made us take her upstairs and put her in her costume. Here she is dressed as a ladybug!
Finally, we got to take Taylor to get some candy! Here she is in her new wagon, and off to get some goodies!