I feel like I haven't created a blog entry in quite a while, so this is a good time to jot something down. Taylor is busy watching her nursery rhymes before Karin gets home from work, although now Taylor is walking and she watches Vinko and DJ while aimlessly roaming around in circles. It's as if she is constantly searching for a lost set of car keys. It's pretty amazing, really. Two weeks ago, she was crawling and very limited in walking, and now she only crawls as a last resort (i.e. - when she forgets she knows how to walk).
Taylor has about six or seven words in her vocabulary. The big word is "hi," which she says to everyone, whether they are real people or Elmo. Last week, at Paneras, she walked up to a little girl and yelled "Hi" in her face, and then waved to her from about three feet away. So, Karin and I are happy that she knows what "hi" means.
Other words that Taylor throws around from time to time (other than Dada and Mama):
bah, which means "ball" - this is a new one.
uh oh, which sounds more like "uh ooooooooooooooh" and is used primarily when Taylor throws her food or milk cup. She gives herself away. I hear "uh oooooooooooh," and it's pretty obvious there is macaroni and cheese sitting on the floor.
banana, which sounds like "na-na," and is also said when she sees an apple.
baby, which is pronounced as two words. Bay-Beeeeeee. At one time, she was calling all pictures "baby," whether they were babies or not, but now its seems as if she understands what a baby is. I think.
"woof", which is said when Taylor sees a dog. Sometimes, "woof" is used when she sees a goat, sheep or lion on TV, as well. And, in her mind, a cat also says "woof."
I think I am missing a couple of words, but that's the basic Taylor English Language. It's fun watching her figure things out and to start trying to communicate with us.