Christmas Day
Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas to everyone!
So big!
It's Tuesday... and Tuesday means Swimming!
Taylor's First Steps
Taylor has recently been flirting with steps all by herself. For a while now she's been standing and balancing but we really didn't think she had any interest in walking. Well, this week while I was at work, Taylor decided to take a few steps. Scott called me to excitedly tell me what was happening and I said, "get the video camera out and send me a video! I do not want to miss it!" He had a hard time doing it by himself because her path is right into someone's arms. So far, she does not walk anywhere that doesn't have a comfortable landing (she's no dummy!). So Scott waited till Gram came over (it happened to be a school day for Scott) and filmed her while she walked into Gram's arms. Thank God for technology! Even though I was at work, I got to see her first few steps over and over (and over) again. Admittedly, not a lot of work got done that afternoon.
Her first solo steps... they're very tentative and careful and check out that look of concentration!
Taylor's First Halloween

After breakfast, we took Taylor out to run a few errands. She loves the fact that her car seat faces forward now.

Then after we got home from errands, we said to Taylor, "It's Halloween! Do you know what that means? That means you get to dress in your costume and get candy!"
So, off Taylor went in a hurry to get in her new costume.

We could barely keep up with Taylor. Next she made us take her upstairs and put her in her costume. Here she is dressed as a ladybug!
Finally, we got to take Taylor to get some candy! Here she is in her new wagon, and off to get some goodies!

Happy Birthday, Papa!
Thank you!
Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!!!!
Today is your birthday, and if only words could express exactly what we feel for you. Although you were a total surprise, you'll never know how much we wanted you. We prayed and wished that you'd be healthy every day of the first trimester. At the end of that very long period we not only found out you were perfect, but we found out you were a girl! Would you have blonde hair or no hair? Would you be shy or boisterous? Would you be serious or giggle? We couldn't wait for the day!!!! Then one quiet, early Monday morning we headed to the hospital. It was one of the most excitings moments of our lives.
Since then you have made our life so full. We are blessed and amazed every day as we watch you explore and discover. As it turns out you have "darkish" blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, a smile that lights up the whole room, and an outgoing personality that makes us laugh. You wave at just about anyone (and have stopped traffic to boot!), smile nearly all of the time, and use your giggles sparingly (but when they come they make us laugh too!).
At one year old, your loves include:
- doggies
- going barefoot
- chicken nuggets
- your first bottle of the morning
- music and dancing
- those silly monkeys jumping on the bed
- going for walks
- riding in the grocery cart
- your Bitty Baby
- banging blocks together
- telling everyone what a dog says (woof woof!)
- the Itsy Bitsy Spider song
- your upper lip on the outside of your paci
- swinging at the park
- standing and holding on to just about anything (the ottoman, the stairs, our pantlegs...)
- matzo balls
- high fives
- sleeping on your stomach at the foot of the crib
- Elizabeth and music class
- waffles
- tickles from Dad
- cuddles from Mom
At the risk of sounding cliche or "mushy", you make our life complete. We can't wait to see what the next year ahead will bring. And don't worry, we'll be right there to capture it on film or video so we can post in on the blog! :)
We love you!
Mama and Dada
Pumpkin Patch Saturday!
A visit at work!
On the Mend

Happy Belated Birthday, Uncle Scott!
Our week-long vacation down the Cape!
These pics are from Taylor's first "real" day at the beach. This time she loved it and wasn't scared at all of the ocean. She ate the sand, kicked her toes in the water and smiled the entire time. We were prepared to be there for anywhere between 15 minutes and all day. Taylor lasted about 2 hours before she needed a nap and couldn't manage to settle down enough under the beach tent to nap there. So we packed it up and headed home for naps. All in all, a very successful first day at the beach!
The next pics are from the pool at Ocean's Edge. There was a large "grown up" pool and then a small toddler wading pool. We would start the day out at the bigger pool. As soon as Taylor was used to the chilly temp of the water she was all about splashing and kicking in the big pool. Then we'd bring her to the toddler pool where she could have a little more independence. Scott and I can't get over how much of a "fish" she is!
Just a couple more pictures from our mini golf match (Scott beat the combo team of Taylor and Karin) and then a trip out for some lobster! Taylor didn't have any fish but she LOVED the sherbert at the Lobster Claw :)
So tomorrow marks the end of the summer. We had a ton of great experiences with Taylor where we watched her discover a lot of "firsts". It's been our complete pleasure and joy to watch her learn and grow and become such an amazing little person. What a personality she has! She makes friends everywhere she goes (especially since she learned how to wave!).
Where does it end, daddy?

Taylor's first experience with the beach was pretty tame. She wasn't dressed for the sand and she thought the water was way too cold! So today was more of a "get our feet a little wet and look out at the vastness" kind of day. I must admit, I'm not too upset by her fear of the ocean just yet. It's much safer in Daddy's arms.
Our weekend in Chicago
Top left is Taylor and her Grandpa George (I especially love this one because you have two great baseball teams represented!), top right is T with her Uncle Scott, bottom left is Taylor with her Great Nana (mommy's Nana!), and bottom right is Taylor with her very cool 2nd cousin, Meghan.
Thanks, Dad, for hosting a great tradition. We'll be back next year!
Keeping up with Taylor

Wow, Taylor will be ten months next Friday. It's really unbelievable to us. She's gone from this little itty bitty thing that had a hard time gaining weight to this beautiful girl with so much excitement and energy. So with that said, I wanted to take the time to share all the changes and everything Taylor is up to!
- Crawling. She loves to crawl. Everywhere! No longer can you put Taylor down and have her sit still while you try and get something done. As soon as you do that, Taylor is off to the races. She'll move from one room to the next, sometimes stopping in between to do a mini-hand stand. Often, she stops after crawling for a little bit and looks up at me or Karin, or whoever is around, and smiles and waves.
- Waving. All you have to do is say the words "bye-bye Taylor," and she waves. Of course she doesn't know what it means, but she likes to wave. Also, she might be a little delayed, and you may start to walk away, but she'll be sure to wave at some point!
- Standing. Crawling is clearly something to keep her busy until she can finally stand. That's her goal, and she knows it!
- Eating. Oh, does she like to eat. Her favorite food is cheerios. I tried to mix in some Kix this morning, because they are kid tested and mother approved, so I figured, well, what the heck, Karin approves of it. Well, Taylor didn't. They looked funny to her and she pushed them aside and waited patiently for the cheerios. Her other favorites are graham crackers, baby cookies (they're good!), chicken and rice dinner, cold cuts like turkey, all kinds of fruit, sweet potatoes, and of course bread. DO NOT take her bread from her. This is an advanced warning.
- Toys. Taylor loves her blocks, and loves mirrors. But, she also is fond of her tupperware (See above picture)! Taylor has musical instruments that she shakes and she loves playing along to music. Clearly, she'll be loving singing and dancing when she starts to better understand, because she definitely reacts to music now.
We continue to be amazed by her. I am looking forward to spending more time with her and teaching her more awesome stuff. Taylor really is a great kid and we're proud of everything that she is accomplishing and learning!
Our trip to Roanoke
We drove the 12 hours to Virginia during the night and Taylor slept the whole way. I'd do it again this way because we spent less of our awake vacation time making the drive and Taylor was so comfortable and quiet. Thanks to Dad for driving most of the way!!
Our next stop on Taylor's summer tour is Chicago. We leave on Friday Aug 8th and return home on Sunday the 10th so it will be quick!!
9 months today!
Taylor continues her summer tour next week, when we leave for Roanoke, VA to visit her Nana and Bob. And then 2 short weeks after that, a visit to Chicago to see Grandpa George and Sue! Whew - we get tired just thinking about it :) See you soon!

Do you like teething, Taylor?
Taylor's Crawling Efforts
Florida in the Summer Time
This past weekend we all packed up and headed to Florida. We were slightly nervous about how Taylor would handle a 3 hour plane ride; however, there was no need to be nervous. Taylor did a great job and traveled like a pro. As soon as we got there, Taylor was introduced to second cousins she had never met. It was no surprise she met them all with her giant "cheesey" smile (crinkled nose included)!
Taylor LOVED swimming in the pool, and who could blame her. Florida was hot! On Saturday evening we celebrated Poppi's 90th birthday and what a celebration it was!
Taylor loved meeting some of her extended family from New York and also seeing cousins she hadn't seen since December. But the most important of all was visiting and getting kisses from her Gigi and Poppi! Taylor is Gigi's #1 great granddaughter (we'll call her #1a) and is blessed to be a part of such a wonderful family.
Father's Day
But first, I picked Taylor up from "school" on Friday afternoon and was very surprised to find out I had my first ever Father's Day present from Taylor. A tie!

She smiled real big when I said "THANKS, TAYLOR." Here is Taylor ordering a margarita. Unfortunately for her, she doesn't understand the whole "you can't drink until you are 21" concept. But we let her indulge and think that she might get one of these colorful drinks.
Saturday morning I awoke and Karin had started using the new Flip video camera. Obviously, we need to share one of Taylor eating my favorite food, a bagel.
Without a doubt, it was an incredible weekend with my wife and daughter, and I am looking forward to sharing more fun moments of Taylor's life with everyone, especially now that I can capture it all with a video camera!