We're just back from our trip out to Roanoke to visit Taylor's Nana! While there we visited with Nana, Bob, Aunt Stacy, and Libby (Bob's daughter). It was really a lot of fun and we enjoyed every second. Nana and Bob live in a beautiful home surrounded by gorgeous scenery (notice the mountains in the background!). The trip was nice and low key and allowed Taylor to go for lots of walks, spend the afternoon in a pool only big enough for her, and make an exciting trip to pick peaches (I say exciting facetiously because Taylor fell asleep on our jaunt for peaches and it turns out she didn't miss too much)! Taylor also made some huge progress on her crawling efforts and I think we can declare her an official crawler now. I love the crawling but something that makes Scott and I nervous is the fact that she's also attempting to (and succeeding half the time) pull herself up on anything she can grab on to. Last night we put her down to sleep and I walked in to check on her to find her standing up and holding on to the crib bars for dear life. She's good at pulling herself up but not so great at getting herself back down :)
We drove the 12 hours to Virginia during the night and Taylor slept the whole way. I'd do it again this way because we spent less of our awake vacation time making the drive and Taylor was so comfortable and quiet. Thanks to Dad for driving most of the way!!
Our next stop on Taylor's summer tour is Chicago. We leave on Friday Aug 8th and return home on Sunday the 10th so it will be quick!!
Don't forget to mention the F.O.T (Friends of Taylor), Zuzu and Ashby. Taylor was feeding Zuzu cheerios, letting her lick them, and popping them in her own mouth.
For those of you who don't know, Zuzu and Ashby are dogs. They were huge fans of Taylor and Taylor was a huge fan of them. Also...we only let "shared" Cheerios happen once! After that we made sure Taylor wasn't so generous. :)
Is it just me, or does Taylor look an awful lot like Papa John in this picture?!
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