Well, there are some important developments to report on.
First, as you can see from this picture I took from my phone on Sunday night, Taylor and Leo have made up. They spent 30 to 45 minutes together Sunday night ironing out whatever differences they had. By the end Taylor fell asleep in mid sentence with Leo.
Other updates:
- Taylor went to the doctor today for her 4 month (actually 4 and a half) vaccinations and physical. She weighs 15 pounds and 11 oz., and in about a week, she'll be the weight of a professional bowling ball (16 pounds)!! It seems like just the other day she was in an incubator trying to get bigger!
- Taylor is under the weather today. She has a cough and her teachers were shocked when she wouldn't eat. Taylor has a reputation for having a great appetite, and when she didn't live up to her reputation, the teachers knew something was wrong. Hopefully, she'll be better in a couple of days.
- Starting tomorrow, Taylor is allowed to eat fruit. This should be a lot of fun, and a lot of cleaning! One of Taylor's favorite things to do is eat her rice cereal, then put her fist in her mouth, then take her hand and rub her face, and then rub her face all over her chair.
- Taylor is a big smiler and recently has been "talking" and smiling at us non-stop. It's a lot of fun watching her react to everything, and she seems to have a positive attitude because everything seems to make her happy!
- As always, she continues to rock out in her jumperoo. We'll have another video in a few days, when she's feeling better!
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