
Taylor Heads to the Salon

Taylor met Melissa, Mama's hair stylist, today! She did great - was so patient and sat in the chair like everyone else in the salon. This morning we told her she was going to get her haircut and all day was asking, "getting my haircut now, Mama? going to get haircut, Dada?" She was ready.

Here she is sitting in the chair. She loved the cape with the goofy cartoon characters, which was a plus. When Melissa needed her to look down, I just told her 'look at the guys now!'

A before picture...

And after...

A view of the back...

Looks like we need to say good bye to the curls, but I love that she still has a little wave at the end. I'm calling the whole experience a success, and Taylor is still talking about her trip to the salon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Taylor is sooo cute!!! I luv her new haircut and she is the bestest cousin ever!!
luv u Taylor!

From, Riley xoxo <3