Here they are pretending they're on their way to school on a bus. A beautiful rendition of the "Wheels on the Bus" even erupted! (Taylor also decided to take Tyler's Elmo slippers for a test drive...I think she would have worn them right home if we didn't notice)

Thanks to Tyler and his mom and dad for hosting a very fun night! See you again soon!
P.S. Thanks to Emily for the pictures! And TMC squared comes from their identical monograms!
Taylor is the bestest little Girl ever! It was so funny today when taylor was over and she asked me to sit on the floor by the door and she said "The wheels on the bus", and I was like, "ohh yeah, from the blog!!! it was hilarious... luv ya T!!!
-Riley xox
Your Taylor is so cute. My daughters name is Taylor Counts too. She is 11 years old and an "A" roll student. We live in Cape Coral, Florida.
I was watching your videos and I did the samething with my Taylor and she is smart as a whip.
She also got student of the year she doesn't know about yet.
I hopefully will have some pics up soon when I can figure out how to get old photos of her in my comp.
she had those chubble-cheeks too!
Enjoy her while you can, Taylor is our only child and we waited 13 years to have a baby after we married and boy has time flown by.
Jodette Counts
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