
At the Salon

This is Taylor last week at the salon getting her hair washed before she got a trim. This is her third or fourth haircut, so not as big of a deal BUT it was her first hair wash. Usually Melissa just spritzed some water from a bottle, but this time they asked her if she wanted to get her hair washed. She took a look at the sink, a look at me, and said, "Let's give it a try."

As you can see, she loved it. I am finding out a little at a time, that our Taylor is a bit of a diva! She's been pretty sick this winter...fighting colds, strep throat, and the croup. So if a little pampering makes her feel better, so be it. It's a girl's prerogative, right? Manis and pedis next?

1 comment:

ginni said...

Absolutely!! Just love our little diva... she comes by it quite naturally, eh??