
Dance Camp Week - July 25-29

We just got back from a week long vacation on the beach, and I'm finally getting Taylor's Dance Recital pictures up on the blog. It's been a very busy 2 weeks. Nana and Pops got to our house on Wednesday July 27th so to be sure not to miss Taylor's big recital on the 29th, then we headed to the beach on the 30th. We'll have more posts about the beach soon...but now for Dance!

We signed up Taylor for a week long "Dance Camp" to see if she'd like it enough to enroll her in the fall semester. She was VERY excited to begin! For 2 hours every morning for a week she went to Camp and learned a little bit of ballet, jazz, tap, and hip hop. Then at the end of the week, they put on a show for parents. Taylor had, by far, the largest audience that included: Mom, Dad, Ray Ray, Papa, Nana, Pops, and Great Grandma!!!

Here's a picture of her off to her first class....ready to go with her shoe bag in hand (a pair of ballet slippers and a pair of tap shoes).

Here are a few action shots. Dad had the video camera going so hopefully soon we can edit and post a video!

Her tapping...I think tap might have been her favorite! And who can blame her... those shoes make the best tap sounds!! :)

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