
Little Miss Sassy

Taylor spent her evening last night being followed around by the paparazzi. That's the approach Cara Parker, photographer, takes anyway. She basically just lets T do her thing while she snaps photos. It definitely took a patient person, and Cara did well. Cara called Taylor "Little Miss Sassy" and we think the nickname fits!

We got to see a couple preview shots and all I can say is, wow. Can't wait to see the rest!


July 4th Weekend

I know this is a little late but getting back to "real life" is tough after being on vacation! Over the 4th, Mom and Dad had the chance to get away with friends and Taylor stayed at home with Nana. We're still not sure who had more fun!

Nana took lots of pics of her weekend with Taylor but no pictures of Nana!! Here are some good ones.

Taylor enjoying a cookie with Nana...
One of their many trips to the park...
And one of them playing with Taylor's "water sink".

Nana and T even spent the 4th of July on the boat with Papa and Ray Ray...

Mom and Dad went to the Hamptons and stayed in a beautiful house on the beach! An amazing opportunity!